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Une association de Jeux d'Histoire avec figurines : Des règles Historiques : DBA 3.0, Bolt-Action, Art de la Guerre. Des règles Fantastiques : SOBAH, WH40K. COURRIEL : lahordedor(@)gmail.com
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 Un scénario Star War Etoile noire

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Date d'inscription : 01/10/2006

Un scénario Star War Etoile noire Empty
MessageSujet: Un scénario Star War Etoile noire   Un scénario Star War Etoile noire Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Jan 2007, 09:01

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Un fichier PDF de 14 pages est à télécharger

Des règles qui avait été proposé dans les anciens numéros du magazine WotC SW Gamer issues #3 pour jouer les combats spatiaux en JdR d20.

Les règles principales ont été même édité en pdf sur le site Wizards of the Cost :Les règles PDF

extrait du document pdf


The following are three scenarios to help get players started.They are arranged in ascending order of difficulty.

1. Patrolling the Depths of Space
Location: Near the Dantooine System
Background: Two Rebel A-Wings are flying a patrol around an abandoned Rebel base when three Imperial TIE Fighters jump them.
Rebels :
Imperials :
TIE Fighter
TIE Fighter
TIE Fighter
Setup: Divide the map in half.The Rebels place their ships first on one half of the map, on the edge, while the Imperials do the same on their half of the map.
Victory Conditions: The Rebels can withdraw at any time, although this gives an Imperial victory. Otherwise, the side with the last ship left wins.

2.The Liberation of Syruss
Location: The Syruss System
Background: A Rebel strike force is launched against an Imperial station.The Empire scrambles all of its available fighters to counter the attack.
Rebels :
Y-Wing Pilot Gunner
X-Wing A
X-Wing B
Imperials :
TIE Fighter A
TIE Fighter B
TIE Fighter C
TIE Fighter D
TIE Bomber A
TIE Bomber B
Setup: The Rebels set up on one edge of the map; the Imperials can place their ships anywhere on their half of the map.The Imperials place their ships first.
Victory Conditions: The Rebels win if the Y-Wing can exit the map on the Imperial side. The Empire wins if they destroy the Y-Wing.

3.Dark Lord of the Sith
Location: The Dantooine System
Background: Darth Vader decides to take matters into his own hands and crush a Rebel outpost.
Imperials :
Vader’s TIE Adv.
TIE Interceptor A
TIE Interceptor B
TIE Interceptor C
TIE Interceptor D
TIE Bomber A
TIE Bomber B
TIE Fighter A
TIE Fighter B
TIE Fighter C
TIE Fighter D
Rebels :
X-Wing A
X-Wing B
Y-Wing A
A-Wing A
A-Wing B
Setup: The Rebels set up anywhere on one half of the map; the Imperials can place their ships on their half of the map in the first three hex rows.The Rebels place their ships first.
Victory Conditions :
The Imperials win if they destroy every opponent; likewise the Rebels win if they destroy or rout the Imperials. Incidentally, if for some reason Vader’s TIE Advanced ship is destroyed, assume that Darth Vader ejected and successfully escapes capture by the Rebels. After all, he is the Dark Lord of the Sith!
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